Researched and Compiled
by Debie Oeser Cox
February, 2015
This is a compilation of text, from several published sources, which provide historical information about Nashville Street Railway Companies, of the past. The first streetcar company was the South Nashville Street Railroad, which began running mule drawn cars in March of 1866. The first electric streetcar ran on April, 30, 1889 and was owned by the Nashville Railway and Cumberland Electric Light & Power Company. The last street car to operate in Nashville was owned by Nashville Coach Company, and ran in Nashville on February 2, 1941. From the beginning, Nashville's street railway companies were privately owned. There were many different companies, some running only a few miles. There were also, two interurban railways. The Nashville-Gallatin Interurban ran between Nashville and Gallatin, Tennessee. The Nashville-Franklin Interurban carried passenger between Nashville and Franklin, Tennessee.
It was not until September 12, 1973, that the Nashville Transit Company (NTA) was purchased by the Metro Nashville Government. Metro, soon after, changed the name to Metro Transit Authority (MTA). Contrary to what many Nashvillians have been led to believe about the location of the so called Trolley Barns, streetcars and later buses were garaged in the Nashville Transit car barns, near the court house between 3rd and 4th Avenues. The car barns were demolished in the mid 1950's for the construction of James Robertson Parkway. Streetcars had been discontinued more than a decade before the car barns were demolished. Metro purchased an old warehouse on 1st Avenue South to garage the buses at that time. I don't remember the streetcars, but heard many stories about them.
My mother, when she rode the bus, called the money she used to pay for
her ride, "carfare." I have never heard a native Nashvillian, who lived
in the era of streetcars, use the term trolley. It would be
interesting to me, to learn, if this is also the experience of others.
The buildings on Rolling Mill Hill that have been advertised as "Trolly Barns"
were not built for, nor were they ever used for streetcars. This is
an urban myth of sorts, apparently began by the developers of the Rolling Mill Hill
property, in an effort to make the area more attractive to investors.
The massive roof of the car barns can be seen in the photo below, one block northwest of the old courthouse and public square. James Robertson Parkway runs through this area today. Streetcars were slow, and as traffic increased caused safety concerns. This system would not be practical for use today, other than, as a tourist attraction, and for transporting people in a limited area. In the 21st century, Nashville commuters would benefit from a rapid transit light rail system or a bus rapid transit system.
Photo from Walter Williams Collection Metro Nashville Archives |
This plat covers the same the area, that is shown in the photo above - 1908 Hopkins Atlas of Nashville
Inaugural run of the first electric streetcar in Nashville, April 30, 1889 - Photo TSLA |
View of Church Street - TSLA |
Streetcar on Buchanan Street, North Nashville - TSLA |
Side view of Nashville streetcar #11. 1930 - TSLA |
Meridian Street Line in Northeast Nashville |
Charlotte Avenue Streetcar, 1930 - TSLA |
Some of the street railway companies in business around 1900. |
Streetcar at the end of the line in Glendale Park. Shows conductor Robert O. Ray - TSLA |
Sources in brackets, are listed below, following the text. Most of these sources are free online books found at
Google Books . Some are histories of the City of Nashville (long before consolidation) and are interesting to read. Others are trade books, also interesting, and often containing information on transit in other cities and states
One fact that makes the recent growth of Nashville a
certainty is, that several lines of Street Railway
have been constructed within the last few years, and all since the close of the
war. Year by year, this system of travel is coming more and more in favor, and
their facilities are of almost incalculable advantage to a city, since they
enable business people, and persons of limited means, to engage in their
pursuits in the center of the City, and at the same time enjoy the pleasures of
a suburban life.
The South Nashville Street Railroad.—The South Nashville Street Railroad, running out Cherry and College streets,
from Cedar to Franklin, was the pioneer Street Railway
of the City. It was commenced in 1865 and finished in 1866, at a cost of
$17,000 per mile. The entire length of the road,
including the Fairfield and Maple Street branches, is four and a half miles. During the year, ending
September 1st, 1869, this road transported 400,006 passengers, and its receipts
amounted to $29,070.83. The company now owns 43 head of horses, and 8 cars, 5
of which are run regularly. It employs, regularly, 19 persons, including
managers, clerks, drivers and hostlers. The actual wealth of the company is
estimated at $110,000. It is controlled by the following Board of Directors:
Thos. Chadwell, Jos. Vaulx, Thos. S. Marr, S. L. Demoville, R. A. Barnes, A. H.
Hurley and J. D. Cross. Thos. Chadwell, President, R. A. Barnes, Secretary and
Treasurer. This road does an unusal good business in the way of transporting
passengers to and from the Nashville & Decatur Depot.
The North Nashville Street Railroad, or, as it is more rightfully
termed, the McGavock & Mt. Vernon Street Railroad,
is the second in age, having been built during the year 1867. The total length
of the road is 2£ miles and 400 feet, and it runs north from the Public Square,
via. College street, to Jefferson street; thence west to Summer street;
thence north to the vicinity of St. Cecilia's Academy. At the junction
of Summer and Monroe streets, a branch road runs out the latter thoroughfare
past Ash Barracks, and terminates near Rumerkorf's Gardens.
The total cost of building this Road, and of stocking it, was
$55,972. This total amount of Capital stock is 56,200, of which $54,925 is paid
up. The total number of passengers carried over the road in 1868, was 135,327,
and in 1869 was 175,917; showing the handsome increase of 40,560 in twelve
months. Dr. T. J. Harding is the secretary and Treasurer of this Road, and to
his energy and perseverance can be attributed much of its success.
Church And Spruce Street Railroad.—The youngest of our Street Railroad enterprises is that known as the Church
and Spruce Street Road, extending from the junction
of Church and Cherry streets, out Church to Spruce street;
thence to vicinity of the city limits. A branch road is being built, and
is to be complete by June 1st, 1870, extending out Broad street
to West Carroll, and stopping in the immediate vicinity of the
Penitentiary, on Church street. The entire length
of the road will then be about two and a half miles, and it will have cost
about $45,000 or $50,000. From various causes, but mainly on account, we
presume, of the sparsely settled portion of the City, at its original terminus,
this road has failed to pay as well as was anticipated by the projectors. In December 1869, its sale, with the entire effects was made to Thos. Chadwell,
President, for the sum of $12,000, the company having lost probably $40,000 in
their bargain. The entire road is now owned and controlled by Mr. Chadwell, who
has employed J. F. Miller as Superintendent. The road now owns four cars and
twenty four head of stock.
Nashville Street Cars
The first street car company to
operate in Nashville was the South Nashville Street Railway Co. First chartered March 19, 1860 the service
was halted when Nashville was taken over by the United States Army during the
Civil War in early 1862 and was resumed in June 1865. The route was south along Cherry St (4th
Ave. So.) to Chestnut, east along Chestnut to College St. (3rd Ave.
So.), north along College St. (3rd Ave. So.) to Cedar (Charlotte
Ave.) and the Public Square.
[Source Tennessean 3/3/1974 There was a Time When Mule Pulled Streetcars, Joe
Citizens Rapid Transit Co. was a
regularly chartered street car company, operation electric street cars upon
Cedar Street, in the city of Nashville, and upon the Charlotte Pike to West
Nashville, by one continuous line.
[source Reports,Supreme Court of Tennessee Middle Division, 1897 ]
Street Railway Directory
No. 15, Fatherland and Fatherland
and Shelby Lines.
No. 15,
Fatherland and Fatherland and Shelby-Leaves transfer station, goes south on 4th
Avenue to Deaderick Street, east on Deaderick Street to Public Square, east on
Public Square to Bridge Avenue, east on Bridge Avenue to South 2d Street, south
on 2d Street to Fatherland Street, east on Fatherland Street to Shelby Park.
and Shelby car goes over the same route to 11th Street, thence south
on 11th street to Shelby Avenue to Shelby Park and return.
and Semi-public Point son Route-Public Square, City Hall, Market House, Court
House, Woodland Street Bridge, East Side Flats, Shelby park.
No. 16, Woodland and Gallatin-Gallatin
and Inglewood-Woodland, and Woodland and Porter Road.
16, Woodland and Gallatin-Gallatin and Inglewood-Woodland, and Woodland and
Porter Road- Leaves transfer station, goes south on 4th Avenue to
Deaderick Street, east on Deaderick Street to Public Square, east on Public
Square to Bridge Avenue, east on Bridge Avenue to Woodland Street, east on
Woodland Street to 11th Street, north on 11th Street to
Gallatin Road, north on Gallatin Road to Warner Farm and return.
and Porter Road over the same route to 11th Street, continuing east
on Woodland Street to 16th Street, thence north on 16th
Street to Eastland Avenue, thence east on Eastland Avenue to Porter Road, north
on Porter Road to Lewisburg and Northern Ry. and return.
Public and Semi-public Points on
Route - Public Square, City Hall, Market House, Court House, Pioneer Springs,
Masonic Widows and Orphans Home at end of Gallatin Inglewood Line.
[source 1916 Nashville Directory]
*Metro Nashville Archives has a 1928 map that
shows street car routes. The routes are
the same as the 1916 routes.
Some Street Railway Companies that filed Charters of Incorporation, Davidson
County, Tennessee
Nashville and Crocker Springs Rapid
Transit Railway
Belmont Street Railway
City and Suburban Railway
City Electric Railway Company
East and North Nashville Street
Railroad Company
East Nashville Electric Railway
Gallatin Pike Railway Company
High Street Electric Railway
High Street Mount Olivet and Upper
Island Railway Company
Lischey Avenue and National Cemetery
Railway Company
Madison and Goodlettsville Railroad
Main Street and Gallatin Pike Street
Main Street and Lischey Avenue
Street Railroad Company
Mansfield and University Street
Railroad Company
Maplewood Electric Railway Company
McGavock and Mount Vernon Horse
Railway Company
Nashville and Edgefield Street
Railroad Company
Nashville Street Jitney Company
Nashville Street Railway
Nashville Vanderbilt and Bellmont
Street Railway Company
North Nashville Street Car Company
Peoples Street Railway Company
Peoples Street Railway Company Of
Public Square and Mount Olivet
Street Car Company
Suburban Street Railway
Summer Street, North Nashville and
Buena Vista Pike Street Railroad
Summer Street and West Nashville
Street Railway Company
Summer Street Cable Railway
Summer Street Railway Company
West Nashville Dummy Line and Street Railroad
[source Davidson County Register of Deeds, Charter Books.]
History of Nashville,
Tenn, 1890
The street railway system of Nashville is now very complete. The
first street railroad company incorporated
in the city was the South
Nashville, March 19, 1860, Isaac Paul, C. K. Winston, Herman Cox, F. O. Hurt,
M. C. Cotton, Leroy Armstrong, D. F. Wilkin, Ira P. Jones, and J. B. Lindsley being the incorporators.
The purpose of this
company was to construct a street railroad from
Church Street along Market, College, or Cherry Street to the southern
boundary of the corporation, or the State Fair Grounds. The capital
of the company was authorized to be $100,000, and to be increased to $300,000. Nothing was done under this first charter, and it
was renewed June 9, 1865. The first President of this company was Anson Nelson, who held the office in 1865. He was followed by F. O. Hurt in
1866; Daniel Hughes, in 1867; Thomas Chadwell, from 1868 to 1874; N. Baxter, 1874 t0 1878; W.
M. Duncan, 1878 to 1889; Dr. William Morrow, 1889. The Secretaries and Treasurers
have been Leroy Armstrong, 1864 to 1866; John Trenbath, 1866; Joseph S.
Robinson, 1867; R. A. Barnes, 1868; F. C. Maury, 1873; T. W. Wrenne, 1874 to
1877; J. L. Wrenne, 1877 to 1879; C. L. Fuller, 1879 to 1889; F. M. Morrow,
1889. The railroad of this
company was constructed soon after the close of the war, south on Cherry Street to
Chestnut Street, and back on College Street to Cedar Street.
The next street
railroad company incorporated was the McGavock
and Mount Vernon Horse Railroad Company, February 29, 1860, the incorporators
being D. T. McGavock, S. D. Morgan, John M. Watson, M. W. Wetmore, F. R.
Cheatham, George R. Maney, Eugene Underwood, J. H. Buddeke, Robert Gardner, A.
J. McWhirter, John Hugh Smith, John B. Johnson, W. F. Cooper, their associates and successors. They were incorporated
for the purpose of constructing
a street railroad from the post-office
or such other place as the Directors should agree
upon in the city of Nashville
to the Mount Vernon Garden in the
northern suburbs of the city, and had the privilege of extending it three miles from the
northern boundary of the city, and of having one or more branches connecting with the main stem. The authorized
capital stock was $100,000, and the privilege was
granted of increasing it to $300,000. The war prevented the construction
of this road also, and the charter
was renewed June 9, 1865. July 6, 1866, Judge James Whitworth was elected
President of this company; and
Felix R. Cheatham, Secretary. Messrs. Whitworth, Laetenberger, and McFarland were appointed a
committee to go North to secure funds for the building
of the road, leaving here Monday, July 30. The road commenced at the post-office,
ran down Cherry to Cedar Street, thence to College Street, thence to Line, on Line to Cherry, on Cherry
north to Monroe, on Monroe west to Clay, and on
Clay to St. Cecilia Academy. Work was soon afterward begun, some $56,000 having
been subscribed previous to the trip of the committee to the North.
James C. Warner succeeded Judge Whitworth as President, and
was followed by C. L. Stearns in 1880 and 1881.
John P. White became President in 1882, and held the office until the consolidation
of all the street railroad
companies in the early
part of 1890. D. Deaderick succeeded Mr. Cheatham
as Secretary, and held the position
until 1883, when he became Superintendent and H. B.
Stubblefield became Secretary and Treasurer.
The Nashville and Edgefield Street Railroad
Company was incorporated May 23, 1866, Joseph Nash, W. B. A. Ramsey, A. V. S.
Lindsley, Nicholas Hobson, Michael Vaughn, J. M. Williams, J. P. Dillon, E.
Trewitt, Charles H. Irvin, George B. Hibbard, William M. Ashley, John N.
Brooks, and their associates being named as the incorporators. They were authorized
to construct and operate a street
railroad from the site of
the suspension bridge or any bridge that might be erected over the Cumberland River to any point in Davidson County
north of said river. The full
amount of stock needed to build this road was
subscribed by July 17, 1871, and a complement of officers had been elected. Woodland Street was selected upon which to build the road. The officers have
been as follows: President: James C. Warner, 1878 to 1882; J. S. Bransford,
1883 and 1884; John P. White, 1885; J. H.
Yarbrough, 1886 and 1887; W. C. Dibrell, 1888; and William Morrow, 1889. Secretary: A. V. S. Lindsley,
1878 to 1888; Percy Kinnaird, 1883 and 1884.
Treasurer: John P. White, 1879 to 1881. Secretary and Treasurer:
H. B. Stubblefield, 1885 and 1886; W. T. Smith,
1887 and 1888; F. M. Morrow, 1889. Superintendent:
D. Deaderick, 1882; J. T. Voss, 1883 and 1884; D.
Deaderick, 1885 and 1886; T. R. Donahue, 1887 to
The Church and
Spruce Street Railroad Company was
incorporated May 25, 1866, Orville H. Ewing, A. J. Duncan, William T. Berry, R.
T. Kirkpatrick, William H. Murfree, J. W. Paramore, James R. Willet, or any
three of them, their associates and successors being named as the incorporators.
The purpose of the company
was to construct a street railroad along Church Street from where the post-office
was then located to Spruce Street, and thence along
Spruce Street and the Franklin turnpike to the first toll-gate on said turnpike. The
capital stock was fixed at $100,000, the privilege being given to
increase it to $300,000. The company was authorized to use either horse-power or steam,
provided the dummy
engines used should not give off either steam or smoke in such manner as to
annoy persons or animals. R. C. Foster, 4th, was President of this company for some years
after the re-organization,
and was succeeded by
S. L. Demoville in 1877 and 1878. J. Sax, H. Vaughn, and John P. White have since been Presidents of this company. F. W. Tealey and H. B. Stubblefield have been
Secretaries; and S. R.
Hardy, Superintendent of the company.
The Fatherland Street Railroad Company was incorporated March 7, 1881, the incorporators being William C. Dibrell, Andrew J.
Caldwell, H. W. Buttorff, J. M. Sharpe, John S. Bransford, Andrew Allison, and Percy Kinnaird. They were authorized
to construct a street railroad commencing at a
point on the south-west corner of the public square near the intersection
of the square and College
Street, running thence along the
south side of the square, across the suspension bridge, along Bridge Avenue to Woodland Street, along Second Street to
Fatherland Street, along Fatherland Street across Tenth Street, and along
the natural extension of Fatherland
Street and ending at a point about five hundred
feet beyond or north-east of the intersection of Fatherland and Tenth
Streets. This company was also authorized to use horse-power or steam, but was
required in the charter to use a tram rail only, of such description as to obviate the
danger of injury to wheels or axles of vehicles. The first
officers of the company were: J.
S. Bransford, President; Percy Kinnaird, Secretary; George Dibrell, Treasurer; and J. T. Voss, Superintendent. J. P. White became
President in 1885. Volney James became Treasurer in 1883, and
H. B. Stubblefield in 1885. Percy Kinnaird became Secretary and Treasurer in 1884; and D.
Deaderick, Superintendent in 1885.
The Line Street
and Watkins Park Street Railroad Company was
incorporated June 24, 1881. The incorporators were John P. White, H. B. Stubblefield, C. R. Handly,
Robert Farquharson, and G. J. Stubblefield. The purpose of the company
was to construct a street railroad from the west side of the public
square to Cedar Street, along Cedar Street to Cherry Street, along
Cherry Street to Line Street, along
Line Street to the corporation
line, and along the natural
extension of Line Street to
or near the stock-yards. The first
Board of Directors was to consist of the five or more of the incorporators
who should apply for and obtain the charter, and the same
privileges as to horse-power or a dummy steam-engine was granted as in other
cases. The officers of this
company during 1881 and 1882 were:
J. P. White, President; H. B. Stubblefield, Secretary and Treasurer; and D.
Deaderick, Superintendent.
Besides these, other street railroad
companies have been incorporated, and all consolidated into
one, as narrated below. These were the Main Street and Gallatin Turnpike Street Railroad
Company, the Main Street and Lischey
Avenue Street Railroad Company, the Summer Street and West
Nashville Street Railroad Company, and the Nashville and Fair
Grounds Street Railroad Company.
The Nashville and Edgefield Street Railroad
Company acquired the Nashville and North Edgefield street railroad,
the Fatherland Street railroad,
the Main Street and Gallatin
Turnpike street railroad, and
the Main Street and Lischey Avenue street railroad in 1889. The McGavock
and Mount Vernon Street Railroad
Company acquired the Line Street
and Watkins Park street railroad, the Church and Spruce Street railroad, the Summer Street and West Nashville street railroad,
and the Nashville and Fair
Grounds street railroad.
The McGavock and Mount Vernon Horse Railroad Company introduced
electricity upon its roads in February, 1888. They
equipped what is called the Broadway or Vanderbilt
line with six cars, which innovation proved so satisfactory that by 1889 they
had equipped their entire system, about seventeen miles in length, including
Broadway, Spruce, McNairy, Church and Cedar, Line,
North Cherry, Jefferson, Monroe, and Buena Vista
In 1889 the City
Electric Railway was incorporated, and constructed lines in the south-eastern
part of the city on Front, Fillmore, South Market, and Peabody Streets, and Wharf
Avenue, and built an extension to Mount Olivet and Mount Calvary cemeteries. The same
year the South Nashville Street
Railway Company converted its lines to electric railways,
including Cherry and College Streets, Lindsley
Avenue, University, Hazel, and Fain Streets. The electric lines were also
extended over the street railways in Edgefield, or
East Nashville, covering Woodland, Fatherland, Main Streets, and those in North Edgefield. The total
length of electric street railway thus put in
operation in Nashville is about fifty miles. The number
of electric cars upon the entire
system of street railways is now fifty-six, the electricity being developed by means of steam engines having an aggregate of fifteen hundred horse-power. Besides these, the company has twenty-two, tow cars.
The various separate street railway
companies were consolidated February 26, 1890, and
chartered under the name of the United Electric Railway. The capital
stock of this organization is $1,000,000, and the officers are: T. W. Wrenne, President; Isaac T.
Rhea, Vice-president; Frank M. Morrow, Secretary; and George
W. Cunningham, Treasurer and General Manager.
Toward the latter part of March,
1890, a system of transfer
checks was put in operation, by means of which a
passenger is enabled to ride from one side of the city
to the other for one fare of five
cents; which, together with the beauty, comfort, and rapidity of travel of the new electric cars,
renders them of great use and popularity.
There are few, if any, cities in the United States
which, for their size, have a better street railway service
than Nashville, and the value of
real estate in the suburbs has been greatly
enhanced by its perfection.
In addition to the above street railroad system there are two dummy railroad lines
running out of Nashville. One is the Overland dummy line, running from the public square to Glendale Park, a distance of six miles, and the other
from the north-east corner of
the public square to West Nashville and Cherokee
Park, a distance of about five miles.
Both were chartered in 1888, the capital
stock of each is $100,000, each road is of the standard gauge, and is
equipped with steel rails. Of the Overland Dummy
Railroad Company Dr. William Morrow is President, Frank Morrow Treasurer, and S. C. Paine, Superintendent; and
of the West Nashville Dummy Line Dr. William Morrow is President, and W. J. Freeman Treasurer.
[source History of Nashville,Tenn., Published for H. W. Crew, Publishing House of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, South. Barbee & Smith, Agents, Nashville, Tennessee. 1890]