Thursday, November 13, 2014

Dairies - Nashville and Davidson County, Tenn.

Milk, Butter and Ice Cream

The Ed Strasser place in the Opry Mills area is a traditional 240 acre dairy farm. It is reportedly (Holding on to the Herd) the only family owned dairy farm remaining in Davidson County. At one time there were dozens of dairy farms scattered across the county. Some were located in the now heavily populated urban areas of East and West Nashville. 

See listing of dairies and locations below.

Nashville City Directory

Nashville City Directory

Nashville City Directory

Union Ice Cream TSLA

Nashville City Directory


Nashville City Directory

image from ebay

Purity Dairy website

Image from ebay

This listing of Nashville and Davidson County dairies is, for the most part, from a 1915 Nashville City Directory.  A few of the better known dairies that came along later have been added.  The name of the dairy is given and the owner.  The distance given is how many miles the dairy was located from the Nashville Public Square.  RR designates rural route number.  Rural routes in Davidson County, that were not within the Nashville postal system, included Brentwood, Madison, White's Creek, and Donelson. See bottom of page for location of rural route stations of the Nashville Post Office.

Anthony Pure Milk Company, Inc.
Edelweiss Dairy
Knapp Farms
Jersey Farm Milk Co Inc. 722 4th av S
Nashville Pure Milk Company, Tru-li-Pur
Purity Dairy
Swift & Company
Union Ice Cream (Anthony Sudekum) became Sealtest
W.E. Davis & Son
Alprose (R Gasser) Edmondson Rd 12 ml RR1 Brentwood
Beck Spring Dairy  (Rychen Bros.) Bogle Ln  2 ml RR1
Beechland Dairy (F O Allen) RR1 Brentwood
Belgrade Dairy (J Mack Ellis) - Lebanon Rd 4ml RR!
Belle Meade Butter Company
Belmont Dairy (W H Staney) 921 12 Av S
Beloit Jersey Dairy (Jon Von Kanel) Harding Rd 6 ml RR11
Benedict H M Lebanon Rd 4 ml RR1
Binkley Mrs Wm White's Creek Rd 5 ml RR1
Bixler B F Madison
Bogle W G Lebanon Rd 5 ml RR1
Brightwood Dairy (J J Rader) Blackman Rd RR8
Brook Side Dairy (H O Edwards) Lebanon Rd 5 ml RR1
Butter Dairy (W F Shelton) Nolensville Rd 6 ml RR8
Cave Spring Dairy (W H Williams & son) Owen & Winstead Rd 9 ml RR8
Cedar Grove Dairy (Ethridge & Hyde) Murfreesboro Rd 7 ml RR7
Cedar Grove Dairy (J E Binkley) RR6
Cedar Hill Dairy (McMurray Bros) RR2 Antioch 
Clear View Farm Dairy (B H Charlton) Murfreesboro Rd 6 ml RR7
Clover Nook Dairy (Jno F Logue) Lebanon Rd 4 ml RR1
Cloverdale Dairy (J T McClanahan & Son) RR1
Cold Spring Dairy (Fannie Foster) Lebanon Rd 2 ml RR1
College Heights Dairy (J H Allen) Lebanon Rd RR1
Craiglawn Dairy (S a & C R Craig) Lebanon Rd 5ml RR1
Crescent Dairy (J K Richmond) White's Creek Rd 4 mi RR3
Crocker Springs Dairy
Dellfern Dairy (A F Thalmann)  Gallatin Rd 9 ml RR2  
Delrose Dairy (Anderson & Welch) RR1
Dew Drop Dairy (J P Floyd) Mill Creek Valley Rd 7 ml RR7
Dun Allie Dairy (L R Campbell) Murfreesboro Rd 6 ml RR7
East Lynne Dairy (W R Price) Gallatln Rd Madison
Easton Dairy (A D Ridley) Lyle Av RR 
Economy Dairy (J M Gafford) Hydes Ferry Rd RR6
Edgewood Dairy (H C McFarland) Lebanon Rd
Englewood Dairy (W K Sanford) Murfreesboro Rd
Fanning Grove Dairy (Field Bros) McLean Station
Fontaine Bros Buena Vista Rd RR3
Forest Home Dairy (J. W. Ezell) Elm Hill Rd
Fortland Farm Dairy RR10
Gloucester Farm Dairy (Armistead & Armistead) Gallatin Rd Madison Station
Golden Spring Dairy (Robt Niederhauser) RR8
Green Lawn Farm (W B Bennett) Trinity Ln RR1 Madison
Green Vale Milk Company 1901 Nolensville Rd
Hamer M D McLean Station RR8
Harrington R L & A C - Dickerson Rd RR2
Hickory Hurst (H C Hagan) Mureesboro rd 4 RR7
Honey Suckle Dairy (B F Sanders) Ewing lane 5 ml RR3
Honey Suckle Dairy (R S Smith) Ewing Rd 4 ml RR3
Ingleside Farm Dairy (W C Tune) Nolensville rd 3 McLean Station
Jersey Dairy (Robt Fuhrer) Franklin Rd RR9
Kirby Cowan Dickerson Rd 8 ml
Linden Grove Dairy (W M Tamble) Dickerson Rd 4 ml RR2
Locust Grove Dairy (Buford Sweeney)Stone’s River Rd 6 ml RR2
Long View Dairy (C Worrell) RR2
Maple Lane Dairy (L C Jordan) Dickerson Rd 4 mi RR 2
Maple Leaf Dairy (J C Hlbbett) Elm Hill Rd 4 ml RR1
Maple Wood Dairy (W D Carter) RR1 Madison
McCool R E - Brick Church Rd 9 ml RR1 White's Creek
Melrose Dairy - Lannom Bros.
Melrose Dairy (J W Lannom & Sons) Lebanon Rd 5 ml RR1
Merry Brook Dairy (Shannon Mayfield) Granny White Rd RR2 Brentwood
MIII Creek Valley Dairy (Milton McWhorter) Mclean Station RR7
Mountain View Dairy (J W Fuqua) Murfreesboro Rd 2 ml RR1
Nashville Dairy (E C Coleman) Thompson Ln 5 ml RR9
North Side Dairy (B M Bratton) Hydes Ferry Rd 3 ml RR6
Oak Hill Dairy (Mrs V L. Kirkman) Franklin Rd RR9
Oak Lawn (A H Gillespie) Brick Church Rd RR2
Oakwood Dairy & Stock Farm (Jno Tyer & Sons) Murfreesboro Rd 7 ml RR7
Orchard Home Dairy (J P Jordan) Charlotte Rd 9 ml RR11
Orchard Spring Dairy (R G Clark) Blackman Rd 6 ml RR8
Over Hill Dairy (D A Harrison)  McLean Station
Overton Hall Dairy (J M Overton) Brentwood 
Pure Milk Dairy (V C Smith) Ewing Ln 5 ml RR1 White's Creek
Rader G R Antioch Rd 7 ml RR7
Ravencroft Dairy (W D Hardeman) RR3 Brentwood 
Richland Dairy (W G Sanford) Murfreesboro Rd 3 ml RR7
River View Farm Dairy (J J Brittain) RR10
Rosebank  Dairy  (Edw Gasser) Rosebank Av RR10
Silver Springs Dairy (J M Griffin) Dickerson Rd 5 ml RR2
Spot Cash Dairy (Wm M Cochran)  Charlotte Rd 5 ml RR2
Spring Hill Dairy (W F fly) elm Hill Rd 6 ml RR7
Springdale Dairy (C B Mims) McLean Station
Standard Dairy (W N Brown) Lebanon  Rd 4 ml RR1
Stone's River Dairy (Frank Rogers)  Donelson
Sunny Side Dairy (A Ashton) RR6
Sunshine Dairy (J C Cooper) Donelson
Swiss Farm Dairy, Cumberland Circle, Donelson
Tune W L Couchvllie  Rd 6 ml RR1
Una Dairy (C J Ellis) RR2 Antioch
Walnut Grove Dairy (Jas A Graves) Dickerson rd 3 ml RR2
Walnut Grove Farm (W A Griswold) Lebanon Rd 5 ml RR1
Walton E F RR3 Nashville
West Wood Dairy  (Edw Niederhauaer) RR3
Willow Brook Dairy Nmii Thon)) FertIlizer Rd RR7
Woodbine Dairy (Henry Jackson & Son) McLean Station RR7
Woodland Dairy (P K Ferguson) Nolensville Rd 4 ml McLean Station
Woodmere Farm (Fount H Rion) Granny White Rd 11 ml Brentwood
York S F McLean Station RR7

RR Rural Routes from the Nashville Post Office
Route 1, ran from the South Nashville Station (819 2nd Ave So)
Routes2 and 3, ran from the Northeast Station (204 Foster St)
Routes 4, 5. 11 and 12, ran from the West Nashville Station (4818 Charlotte Ave)
Route 6, ran from the North Station (614 Jefferson)
Routes 7, 8 and 9, ran from the McLean Station (2805 Nolensville Rd)
Routes 10 ran, from the East Station (500 Woodland St)

Readers have reminded me of these dairies; Thompson Dairy, White's Creek Pike; Neely Bend Dairy, Madison; Tony Sudekum Dairy at Edenwald; Rychen Dairy, Nashville Airport Property; Burton Dairy, White's Creek Pike; Country Maid Dairy, Whites Creek Pike. 


  1. You leave out the Rychen Dairy located on Nashville Airport Property, Burton Dairy on Whites Creek Pike, and Country Maid Dairy on Whites Creek Pike. Country Maid later merged with Purity.

    1. my family ran the Rychen Dairy, would love to find some of the bottles

  2. Thanks. Rychen Bros are on there but may be a different location. The list is from a 1915 Nashville City Directory, except for a few that I added at the beginning, that I remembered from the 1960's or so.

  3. Came across two milk bottles and wondered if they might be Davidson County. Tulip Grove Farm Dairy C.E. Buntin and Woodbine Dairy W.H. Jackson. Any info would be appreciated.

    1. A google search turned up this for Tulip Grove Farm. The bottle is embossed TULIP GROVE FARM DAIRY / GRADE A MILK / C.E. BUNTIN. According to a little research Tulip Grove was constructed in the 1830s across from the residence of Andrew Jackson in Nashville by Andrew Jackson's wife's nephew. The Buntin family acquired it in the nineteen-teens. Checked city directories and found a William H. Jackson listed in the 1940 city directory, occupation dairy. Woodbine is a community south of downtown Nashville in Davidson County. Searching Nashville City directories my give more information. They can be found at the Nashville Public Library.

    2. Left out the keathley dairy that shut down in the early 60.s on whites creek and tranaham hollow

    3. That was my grandpa's dairy. Shut down production 2972 went to beef cows.

  4. Anybody know if there was a dairy named Ezell Mackie? Milk bottles with that name on them. THX JIM

    1. Ezell Mackie Purity diaries. This is what is now Purity diaries in Nashville.

    2. Thanks for the verification. I'm looking for early Purity Dairy Nashville bottles / memorabilia . . Mainly Walnut grove out of Clarksville since the route drivers worked for them before Purity bought them., . I'm an old Purity Dairy helper in Clarksville during the 1970's when I was a kid.


  6. I have a "Jersey Farms Pasteurized Products" milk bottle with logo "JF" on opposite side of glass. The bottom/underside of bottle reads "THIS BOTTLE IS THE PROPERTY OF JERSEY FARMS MILK SERVICE AND IS NEVER SOLD". Can you verify that this would be from the Jersey Farms on 8th Ave

  7. My Grandfather EB Smith Sr. Owned Maple Shade Dairy , 2 miles north of Bordeaux
    On West Hamilton Road

  8. My grandfather Gottlieb Thalmann owned “Crescent View Dairies on Hill RD in Brentwood

  9. I h ve a pint bottle Bird’s View Dairy. Gallatin, TN. Would anyone maybe know years of operation. This bottle has started turning pink.

  10. Picked up WE Davis & son milk crate from storage unit in Van Wert, Ohio. Site won’t allow me to add photo.


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