Passed at the
Second Session
of the
Sixth General Assembly
of the
State of Tennessee
Began and held at Knoxville on Monday the twenty-
eighth day of July, one thousand eight hundred
and six.
Printed for
Elizabeth Roulstone
[J. B. Hood, Printer]
C H A P. XXX111.
Whereas it is found by experience the Preamble. good order, health, peace and safety of growing towns cannot be preserved, nor the evils and accidents to which they are sub- ject, avoided or remedied, without an internal power competent to establish a police and regulation fitted to their particular cir- cumstances, wants and exigencies, Therefore:
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEM- Incorporated, BLY OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, That &c. the town of Nashville, in the county of David- son, and the inhabitants thereof, are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name of the Mayor and Alderman of the town of Nashville, and shall have perpetual success- ion, and by their corporate name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, grant, receive, purchase and hold, real, personal and mixed property, or dispose of the same for the bene- fit of said town, and may have and use a town seal.
Sec. 2. BE IT ENACTED, That the corporation To pass laws aforesaid, shall have full power and authority &c. to enact and pass such laws and ordinances nec- essary to preserve the health of the town, pre- vent and remove nuisances, to establish night watches or patroles, to ascertain, when necess- ary, the boundary and location of streets, lots, and alleys, to establish new streets, lanes and alleys, with the consent of the proprieters of the lots or houses adjoining such streets, lanes and alleys; to provide for licensing and regulating auctions; to restrain and prohibit gaming, and to provide for licensing, regulat- ing, or restraining theatrical or other public
amusements within the town; to pave and keep in repair the streets, and to pass all regu- lations necessary for the same; to establish necessary inspections within the town, to To keep erect and regulate markets, to appoint a streets in recorder and high constable, to provide for repair. the licensing and regulation a fire company, the sweeping of chimnies, by the neglect of which the safety of the town may be endangered; to establish and regulate fire wards, and fire To establish companies; to erect and regulate pumps on the a fire com- public square, streets, lanes, alleys, or pany. convey water from the vicinity into the town, to impose and appropriate fines, penalties and forfeitures for the breach of their bye laws or ordinances; to lay and collect taxes for carrying the necessary measures into opera- tion for the benefit of the said town; to regul- ate and restrain tipling houses, and pass all laws and ordinances, necessary to carry the intent and meaning of this act in effect; PROVIDED, They are not incompatible with the constitution and laws of this state.
Sec. 3 BE IT ENACTED, That the laws and On whom the Ordinances of said corporation shall be in laws shall be no wise obligatory upon the persons or prop- binding erty of non-residents of said town, being citizens of this state, unless in case of intentional violation of bye laws or ordin- ances, previously promualgated.
Sec. 4 BE IT ENACTED, That all fines, pen- How fines alties, and forfeitures imposed by the laws and &c. recover- ordinances of said corporation , if not exceed- able. ing fifty dollars, shall be recovered before a single magistrate; and if exceeding that sum, then to be recovered by action of debt, in the county court of Davidson, in the name of the Corporation, and for the use of the town. (141)
Sec. 5. BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the Mayor and duty of the sheriff of Davidson county, to hold alderman an election at the court house in said town, to be elected. on the first day of October in each and every year, for the purpose of electing a mayor and six aldermen for said town, who shall continue as such for one year, and no longer, unless they be re-elected; and no person shall be eligible to the appointment of mayor and alderman, un- less he be a citizen and free-holder of said town; nor shall any person be entitled to vote at said election, but the citizens of said town, and such as possess real property within the same.
Sec. 6 BE IT ENACTED, That all laws and Laws appoint- parts of laws appointing commissioners for the ing commiss- regulations of the town of Nashville, be, and ioners re- the same are hereby repealed, and that this pealed. act shall commence and be in feree form and after the passage thereof.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the SenateSeptember 11th, 1806.
Public Chapter XXXIII of the 1806 Public Acts.
Published February 11, 2006
NOTICE: This page transcribed and formatted by Debie Cox from a photocopy from Public Chapter XXXIII of the 1806 Public Acts, obtained from the Tennessee State Library and Archives.
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